Adam Hill
CTO and Full-Stack Software Engineer
Launceston, Tasmania
I help online startup companies actually start up, delivering them kicking and screaming into the world wide web.
Rapid prototyping and full-stack web development are where I shine with expertise all the way down the stack - anything in Cloud Computing, Ruby on Rails and quality front-end development in HTML / JavaScript / CSS and design with a UX focus. I'm currently CTO of BioClinical Services Pty Ltd.
I've been freelancing full-time since 2004 and love the freedom along with the amazing variety of work: development, design, copywriting, project management, SEO, consulting, business strategy, marketing, tech support... I'm no mere code monkey.
I've been freelancing full-time since 2004 and love the freedom along with the amazing variety of work: development, design, copywriting, project management, SEO, consulting, business strategy, marketing, tech support... I'm no mere code monkey.
Selected work
BioClinical Services :: Chief Technology Officer. Co-owner, full-stack software engineer, designer, SEO, SEM, strategist Pty Ltd :: former Chief Technology Officer. full-stack software engineer, graphic & web design, SEO, SEM, strategist
MathsRepublic :: software engineer
- MathsRepublic homepage
- Student problem view
- Student problems list
- Student dashboard
- Student problem complete summary
- Teacher's class & task management
- Teacher problems list with filtering
- Teacher problem detail view
Always Golfing :: tech co-founder, designer, developer. Closed business in 2017
- Homepage
- The founders: Nick, Ben and myself.
Australian War Memorial, London :: HTML5 website (based on previous Flash app) - full-stack development & design elements
- Detail pages with fullscreen background image slideshow
- Interactive wall demo with clickable battle names for info popups
- Custom Google Maps colorisation and clustering with info popups
- Battle detail pages including world map & wall locator, slideshow and videos
Fahan School :: whole school website full-stack development, custom Content Management System
- Fresh redesign from James Stackhouse implemented into the CMS from our previous round of design and development.
- Highly visual design integrated with their CMS I made for the previous design
- Events page with full RSVP and ticketing functionality
- This was the older Fahan homepage we designed and developed in 2012.
- Banners administration for homepage
- Administration dashboard
- Page administration index
- Public calendar
- People administration
- Photo library administration
The Collection Room :: tech project lead
- Collectors connected early-bird signup
Workrz - Online rostering for casual staff :: prototype app that won "Most Potential to Monetize" in Rails Rumble 2010
- Workrz pre-registration
- Winner of Chargify's
Where My Friends At?! :: past project that combined the location-based activites of major social networks on a map
- Where My Friends At - a map of all your friends' checkins on one map
- World view; click on clusters to zoom in or click a person's face to get more info on their checkin and link to their profile
- More clustering; click to zoom
A personal touch.
- Myself and Ollie at TDC 2019 in Launceston
- Myself and Bronnie at TDC 2019 in Launceston
- Myself in-between Juan and Ollie at the ADC 2019 in Canberra
- Myself in-between Juan and Ollie at the ADC 2019 in Canberra
- George, Therese and I at a medical conference in Canberra
- From Boston when working from the IEC for The Collection Room
- During my time in New York for The Collection Room
- Mobile office. Complete with laptop. Batteries not included.
- Golfing at Low Head. One of the inspirations behind me getting involved with Always Golfing Pty Ltd
View Adam's Resumé for more information. |